November 2015
Barent Walsh, Ph. D. presented on the topic of Parenting Teens: When It Is Time To Seek Help at The Perkins School recently. He outlined information for parents and caregivers on how to spot the signs that normal development is something else, and when help should be sought.
Walsh stressed that many worrisome aspects of adolescent behavior, frustrating as they are, do not require professional help. He outlined the ten key developmental "tasks" that adolescents must go through between ages 10 and 20, and noted that at many points these have warning signs for parents as to when they should seek help. He shared examples of concerns and signs of danger, discussed the more serious risks such as self-harm and suicide and urged parents to consult a professional for an evaluation for anything that sets off alarms in a teen's behavior.
Walsh is the Senior Clinical Consultant and Executive Director Emeritus at The Bridge of Central Massachusetts. He has presented internationally on topics related to adolescents, self-injury, suicide and other related topics. He is the author of two books on Self Injury.
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