November 14, 2019
GB & Lexi Singh Performance Center 60 Douglas Rd Whitinsville, MA 01588
Directed by Bill Sigalis
Presented by Pilgrim Soul Productions
November 14, 15 & 16 at 7:30 PM & November 17 at 2:00 PM
In a Chicago junk shop, three small-time crooks plot to rob a man of his coin collection, the showpiece of which is a valuable “Buffalo nickel.”
These high-minded grifters fancy themselves businessmen pursuing legitimate free enterprise. But the reality of the three – Donny, the oafish junk shop owner; Bobby, a young junkie Donny has taken under his wing; and “Teach,” a violently paranoid braggart – is that they are merely pawns caught up in their own game of last-chance, dead-end, empty pipe dreams.
Tickets: $20, $18 under 18/over 64, $16 for groups of 10 or more. Tickets available at the door or for reservations: 508-296-0797 | Pilgrim Soul Productions
For more information: PilgrimSoulProductions.com
Produced by Special Arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.