May 12, 2023
GB & Lexi Singh Performance Center, 60 Douglas Road, Whitinsville, MA
Eleemosynary by Lee Blessing
Directed by Virginia Byrne
Performed by Pilgrim Soul Productions
Featuring: Linda McGirr, Lorna Nogueira, Miranda Jacobs
2023 Performance Dates/Times: May 12, 13, 19 & 20 at 7:30 pm and May 21 at 2:00 pm
Don't let the strange title scare you! Sensitive and probing, this masterful play examines the subtle and often perilous relationship between three remarkable women; a grandmother, Dorothea, who has sought to exert her independence through strong willed eccentric behavior, Artie, her daughter, who has run from her overpowering mother, and Echo, Artie's daughter, who is incredibly smart and equally sensitive. The plays' title, Eleemosynary, meaning charitable, is the precocious and Echo's favorite word.
"...a funny, perceptive and eloquently written play..." --St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch
"...the language is elegant, witty and carefully wrought." --Philadelphia City Paper
"...an engrossing 95-minute entry--alternately funny and poignant..." --Variety
Pilgrim Soul Productions is delighted to have Virginia Byrne at the helm for this production. She brings to the project her sharp directorial skills, honed over many years of experience within the central Mass theater community. Under her leadership the cast and crew will deliver a theatrical experience of the highest quality!
Eleemosynary is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection.
Tickets: $25.00 regular admission; $22.00 under 18/over 64; $20.00 groups of 10 or more
Reservations: Phone 508-296-0797 or Email to pilgrimsoulproductions@gmail.com
The Singh Performance Center participates in the Card to Culture program and offers a $5 flat rate ticket price to EBT, WIC and ConnectorCare cardholders and their families.
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