January 28, 2021
Zoom - https://umassmed.zoom.us/j/94720236485?pwd=bnVYRFdmeWZEVld4UzRlQURoVEN1Zz09 Passcode: VACUNAS
Charla Sobre Las Vacunas Del COVID-19. Enero 28.
Vacunate! Trabajando hombro a hombro para vencer al Covid-19.
UMass Medical School, Protégete Latino and Latino Empowerment Organizing Network (LEON) Offer Vaccine Information Program
UMass Medical School, Protégete Latino and the Latino Empowerment Organizing Network (LEON) invite you to participate in a conversation about the vaccines against COVID-19 on January 28 at 6:30 pm. Physicians and scientists from the Worcester Community will discuss:
• The importance of vaccines and their safety
• The vaccination plan for the City of Worcester
• Answers to questions from the community
Please click the link to join the webinar: https://umassmed.zoom.us/j/94720236485?pwd=bnVYRFdmeWZEVld4UzRlQURoVEN1Zz09 Passcode: VACUNAS