April 23, 2022
Alternatives' Whitin Mill, 50 Douglas Road, Whitinsville, MA 01588
ValleyCAST, in collaboration with the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce's Women's Success Network will be hosting a Yellow Tulip Gardens Hope Day Walk & Celebration on Saturday, April 23rd from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. This event is a celebration of resilience, joy, wellbeing and community. See the event program here.
The walk begins at the Whitin Community Center, 60 Main Street, Whitinsville, MA at 10:00 am to view the first of 2 yellow tulip gardens planted by the Women's Success Network, the local 4H Club, and Girls On The Run Worcester County. Next we will walk to Whitinsville Town Common to see the second garden and then to the Alternatives' Whitin Mill to view their hope garden. Over 1500 yellow tulips in all!
The walk will end at the Alternatives' Whitin Mill Community Plaza for a Hope Day celebration featuring music by The Blackstone Valley Quartet, poetry, speeches, a guided meditation, wellness offerings, art making, and a chance to admire our yellow tulips in full bloom. This Hope Day event will bring us together to celebrate, smash the stigma around mental health, and bring suicide prevention and mental health awareness to the community in anticipation of Mental Health Awareness Month in May. If it rains the celebration will move indoors to the Singh Performance Center.
In collaboration with Yellow Tulip Project, ValleyCAST board members and staff, along with community members from the Whitin Community Center, Blackstone Heritage Corridor, and NOWA Peer Recovery Support Center, we planted our first Hope Garden of 500 tulips at the Whitin Mill in the fall of 2020. This inspired the planting of yellow tulip gardens at the Whitin Community Center, The Rockdale Youth Center, Douglas Primary School, the Whitinsville Common and as far away as the Town Common in Southbridge, MA where there is another Hope Day Celebration on the same day!
The Yellow Tulip Project is a youth driven, non-profit that is fiercely dedicated to suicide prevention, mental health stigma reduction, community building, and helping people know that there is help and hope out there ... one tulip at a time.
The inclusive event is free and the public is encouraged to participate.
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