July 2018
?Two well-established Central Massachusetts human service providers have announced their affiliation effective July 1, 2018. Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. and The Bridge of Central Massachusetts both have long histories providing services in the region for people with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges. Together, the two agencies will have a combined workforce of over 1200 staff and a budget of $82 million.
“Both agencies are financially and operationally strong and have complementary strengths. This affiliation will enable us to better meet the needs of the individuals and families we serve,” said Ken Bates, President and CEO of The Bridge.
Alternatives Executive Director Dennis H. Rice echoed that thought and added, “In exploring possible partners with which to affiliate, we wanted to be sure that our missions and values were compatible, and that the outcome would be truly beneficial to the individuals we serve. It became clear that The Bridge and Alternatives will be excellent partners.”
The Bridge is known for providing evidence-based treatments and services, while Alternatives is known for its psychiatric rehabilitation approach, strong focus on community membership for the individuals served and for promoting arts and culture as a means of bringing people and communities together.
The affiliated organizations will be headquartered in Worcester. The Alternatives site in Whitinsville will remain a strong and vibrant hub for arts and culture and community integration. The two agencies will be coming together under one management structure with Ken Bates assuming the role of President and CEO. Dennis Rice will stay on as a Senior Advisor.
About Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. Alternatives is a leading provider of services for adults with developmental or psychiatric disabilities in Central Massachusetts, offering a wide range of quality residential, employment and day services. These programs are designed to provide the skills and support each person needs to lead a satisfying and successful life in the setting of his or her choice with maximum use of community networks.
About The Bridge of Central Massachusetts, Inc. The Bridge of Central Massachusetts provides compassionate, evidence-based human services for those with mental health challenges, developmental and intellectual disabilities, autism, acquired brain injury, substance use disorders, homelessness and other complex challenges.