January 2018
The GIFT training was created by Kim Bisset Ed.D. of Radiate Career Consulting – a specialist in Motivational Interviewing and Peer Provider training – who worked collaboratively with DMH and young adults with mental health challenges to develop the innovative curricula. Over four years, the program has achieved tremendous success: a full 75% of GIFT graduates have been placed in employment at mental health agencies or in other work and educational settings around the state, compared to 35% of the general population of young adults with mental health diagnoses.
The impact of the program was on full display at the recent graduation ceremony for the Bridge GIFT Training series, where graduates shared their remarkable stories of healing and accomplishment, and their goals for the future. Joining Dr. Bisset to celebrate the graduates were Joan Mikula, DMH Commissioner, Ken Bates, President & CEO of The Bridge, Nancy Bishop, Executive Vice President of Service Operations at The Bridge, Dr. Dennis McCrory, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Brenda Vezina, CEO of The Central Ma Recovery Learning Center (Kiva Center), and several Peer Trainers who assisted with the training.
For more information about GIFT Training, contact Kim Bisset at kim@radiatecareers.com, or call/text 781-956-4848.