January 2020
Has your loved one been struggling with mental health issues?
Attend a FREE Course for Family and Friends of Individuals Living with Mental Health Conditions
NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 12-session education program for family, partners, friends and significant others of adults living with mental illness. The course is designed to help all family members understand and support their adult loved one living with mental illness, while maintaining their own well-being. The course includes information on illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression and other mental health conditions. The teachers are NAMI-trained family members who have lived the journey and relate personally to those seeking knowledge and comfort. Their training and the shared experience of class members create a supportive, uplifting learning experience.
The course is entirely private; information shared stays within the group. Meet others who share your struggle, compare notes, and gain new insight.
This course will answer your questions and reduce your uncertainty and pressure.
There are 12 class sessions. Each class explores and highlights the latest knowledge and experience about:
? How to manage crises, solve problems and communicate effectively
? Finding and using local supports and services
? Taking care of yourself and managing your stress
? Up-to-date information on mental health, current treatments, including evidence-based therapies
? The impact of mental illness on the entire family
All instruction and course materials are free for class participants. Pre-registration is required. Courses fill up early, so we encourage you to call soon if interested.
NAMI Central Mass Affiliate, the local organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness will offer NAMI Family-to-Family evidence-based course starting February 10, 2020 through May 4, 2020. It will be held on Mondays, 6:30-9:00 pm in Worcester, MA.
For more information about registration,
please contact: Kim at (508) 365-9618 or email: tokima4@gmail.com. Space is limited.
For other Family-to-Family courses statewide visit: http://namimass.org/programs/nami-family-to-family.