April 2020
(Worcester, MA – April 10, 2020) Open Sky Community Services has released a multi-part clinical video series entitled “Coping during COVID,” to offer evidence-based recommendations and tips to support the community through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Open Sky clinical leaders Suzy Langevin, Director of Dual Diagnosis Services, Stefanie Gregware, Vice President of Clinical Services, Barent Walsh, Ph.D, Senior Clinical Consultant, Andrea Wolloff, Director of Evidence-Based Practices and Kerrin Westerlind, Assistant Director of Evidence Based Practices are amongst those offering evidence-based recommendations to assist others in this time of need.
“Social distancing is essential from a public health standpoint but it’s wreaking havoc on us emotionally,” explains Dr. Oliver Joseph, psychiatrist and Chief Medical Officer at Open Sky. “It’s increasing isolation, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions.”
The series is intended to offer guidance and assistance for those looking to manage such emotions. The videos will be available on the Open Sky YouTube Channel as well as on the organization’s website.
While many of Open Sky’s direct care staff cannot work from home and are continuing to show up for shifts in residential programs, supporting individuals living in their own homes, delivering medication and needed supplies, others are rising to the challenge presented by the pandemic using non-traditional remote ways to support individuals and families, such as Telehealth counseling services, Zoom meetings, and telephone outreach. The videos in the series were created by clinicians working remotely in an effort to provide a helpful resource both for individuals served by the organization and the larger community.
More virtual and digital programming is upcoming from Open Sky Community Services as the organization adapts to the challenges of continuing to serve its communities through non-traditional means during this time.
For more information about Open Sky Community Services, please contact Lorie Martiska, lorie.martiska@openskycs.org.
About Open Sky Community Services
Open Sky Community Services is dba for Alternatives Unlimited, Inc and The Bridge of Central MA. Open Sky offers a wide range of services for adults, adolescents, and children with mental health challenges, developmental and intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, brain injury, homelessness and other challenges throughout Central Massachusetts. Open Sky Community Services has over 1,300 dedicated employees and an annual budget of $83M with more than 100 programs throughout the region. For more information, please visit www.openskycs.org.