Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities & Autism Resources
Family Support Center Resources
Self-Care Resources
How are you feeling? Checking out this symptom checker link on
Caregiver Virtual and Online Resources
Trying to stay smoke-free? Check out these free online resources.
Here are some prompts to help us all adopt an attitude of gratitude. What are you thankful for today?
Feeling a little anxious? There's a lot of that going around right now. Check out this article with some helpful tips for managing anxiety and maintaining mental health in this time.
Learn more about how you can get involved in the activities below. Check back often, as we will be adding new ways to have a #RealConvo together.
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline: 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support for people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 24/7, 365-day-a-year hotline for people experiencing suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Call 1-800-273-8255 or click here to chat.
Together Time
Looking to connect virtually? Check out these resources!
Make a meal together or bake some cookies
Staying Active
Attention dance fans, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is airing free online streaming of performances, classes, workshops. Check it out here!
Throw a dance party with your favorite tunes. No one will judge your moves!
Play a game of Freeze Dance or Chair Volleyball.
Game Time
Let's get a little competitive. Try out this Minute to Win It Game - Use paper dixie cups and have a cup tower stacking challenge with a friend. Give each person the same amount of cups and see who can stack and unstack their cups the fastest.
Board Games
Get Creative
Fun at Home! New Crayola Crayons with 24 Different Skin Tones
Paint Kindness Rocks with inspiring messages. Leave them at the doors of friends and neighbors if you can do that safely. If not, just send them a picture!
Make a Pinecone Bird Feeder - Go for a nature walk and collect pinecones and after your walk you can cover the pinecones with peanut butter and dip in birdseed, then hang on a string outside your window. The birds will love it and you will love watching your daily visitors.
Become a historian and start a journal. Write down what your days have been like. What activites you have done to stay busy, what news has been reporting, how much things cost… it will be fun to look back in a few years!
Virtual Field Trips
Check out all of the Free virtual tours that are available!
Reading Resources
Other Resources
Food for Families - Families/individuals in need of food who reside in Leominster, Fitchburg, or Worcester. Drive-thru pick up. You must sign up prior to pick up.
Mental Health America - Mental Health And COVID-19: Information And Resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Updates On The Coronavirus
National Council on Behavioral Health - Resources and Tools for Addressing Coronavirus (COVID-19)
American Psychiatric Association – Center for Workplace Mental Health Covid-19 Response
CitiesRise – Local Mental Health Resources
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Mental Health and Covid-19
Well Being Trust – Covid-19 Mental Health Resources
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH):
Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet
COVID-19 and Mental Health Impacts
Mental Health and Psychological Considerations During COVID-19
Helping Children Cope with Stress
Temple University Collaborative's listing of ways to stay "Physically, not Socially, Distanced"
Play virtual board games with friends here
Explore Google Arts and Culture here
Participate in Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems here
Learn a new language with Duolingo here
Explore the wonders of space with NASA here
Learn with Massive Online Open Courses here
Enjoy a performance from Theatre without Theater here
Get fit with online YMCA classes here